Cocktails by the Signs: Pisces Horoscopes
Oct. 11, 2016
From the Cocktails by the Signs Series
See moreYou’ll know when you meet a Pisces, as their friendly nature is evident from the get-go. Kind and empathetic souls, you might feel like you’ve known them for much longer than you actually have – so be ready for cocktails and conversations to flow freely in their company.
One of the most attractive traits of Pisces is their non-judgmental nature. They don’t seem to care what you do, as long as it makes you happy. They’re also incredibly kind and selfless – the friend that always brings a host gift, hopefully in the form of your favorite tequila.
Naturally artistic, Pisces has a knack for anything related to music, whether that’s going to shows, playing instruments or dancing like crazy until the wee hours of the morning. Just don’t be surprised if they can’t decide between which one to do, as Pisces biggest challenge is making decisions in a timely manner.
Cocktail recommendations:
That’s My Jam
Agave Flip